Pitcher's Alley™

$59.99 USD

Now updated with adjustable alleyway widths!

The Pitcher’s Alley is a new training device for softball pitchers and coaches. It’s easy to use and provides a visual alleyway with orange ropes. The NEW updated pitcher’s plate is the regulation size at the widest connection points and provides for a narrower alley adjustment for coaches to help pitchers focus on control. This feature was specifically recommended by pitching coaches to us, so we listened.

The Pitcher’s Alley also can be used at home and incorporated with a pitcher’s pocket net. Additionally, through our work with coaches and parents, many softball fields do not have bullpens. Walking off an estimated distance is usually inaccurate. The Pitcher’s Alley can also be taken on the road to serve as an accurate bullpen for warm-up for the pitcher and catcher. With the Pitcher’s Alley, players now have an accurate measurement and visual aid for the proper distance no matter the age group.

The Pitcher's Alley™ features three adjustable length options that adhere to USA Softball's official guidelines for fastpitch playing fields:

  • 35 ft. for 10U
  • 40 ft. for 12U
  • and 43 ft. for 14U and up

The Pitcher's Alley™ includes:

  • 2 high-visibility, durable orange ropes featuring three metal loops for adjustable lengths at 35 ft., 40 ft., and 43 ft.
  • 2 black velcro covers to attach to the rope that will protect the rope from wear and tear from the pitcher's footwork
  • 1 white pitcher's plate with 3 options for adjustable lane widths
  • 1 white catcher's plate
  • 1 transparent zippered bag including 4 ground stakes for use on grass
  • 1 orange plastic rope winder
  • 1 black travel bag for storage

Can be used on any surface – clay, natural turf, artificial turf, and concrete!

Field Sports Training is proudly based in Houston, TX!